Can You Buy Halloween Costumes with an EBT Card?

Are you looking for the perfect costume for Halloween and wonder if you could use your EBT card to purchase it? Considering many people are new to the food stamp and EBT system, we wanted to share the most vital information and help you have the best purchase and stay on your budget.

So, if you want to find out if Halloween costumes are on the list of eligible items you can buy with your food stamps, keep on reading and stay tuned until the end for a detailed explanation.

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Can You Buy Halloween Costumes With an EBT Card?

No, EBT card owners are not able to purchase Halloween costumes with their cards.

This might be unfortunate news for some, but on the bright side, the food stamps, or EBT cards as they are now known, can be used to purchase many items.

The government created the EBT card to help families and individuals in need of additional money to cover the cost of food essentials. Because of this regulation, most non-edible items are not on the list of eligible things you can pay with your EBT card.

Even though you are not able to purchase the Halloween costumes with food stamps, you can get creative with cereal boxes and different packages to create a unique look for that Halloween party.

Is This True for All Clothes?

Yes, as a general rule, you are not able to purchase clothing items with your EBT card.

See Also  What Can You REALLY Buy With Food Stamps? [Just The Facts]

While some clothing stores allowed the transaction, keep in mind that this could be considered a federal offense. To be on the safe side, use your EBT card for items that are on the list of eligible things you are allowed to buy.

What Can You Buy With an EBT Card?

If you want to prepare a delicious meal and host a Halloween party, there are some items you can buy with your EBT card, like:

  • Meat and poultry
  • Juices and sodas
  • Milk and dairy
  • Candy
  • Fruits and vegetables

This will be more than enough to make fun and nutritious meals and also save some money you can spend on your Halloween costume.

What You Can’t Buy With an EBT Card?

Your EBT card is a fantastic way to make ends meet and feed your family, but there are a few limitations you should consider. Here are a couple of items you are not allowed to buy with your food stamps:

  • Alcohol, beer, wine, etc
  • Decorations, paper products
  • Household supplies
  • Cosmetics
  • Tobacco and cigarettes

Final Thoughts

Even if you are not able to purchase a Halloween costume with your EBT card, you can still have a great party and even get creative with the costume ideas online. Use your EBT card to purchase the essential food items you can create full meals from, and visit our website for additional information and updates.